Monday, January 26, 2009

Putin Paints 37 M Rubles for Charity

No matter how dire your painting is, the best way to sell it for good amount is by becoming a celebrity. “How do you spend that amount” issue comes next.

Vladimar Putin, the former President and present Prime Minister of Russia has painted a good painting and put into the auction.

Let’s look at the painting first. It features a window. Behind the window you can view the frost. The window is framed with curtains on three sides, and the Russian letter U. It also shows that Putin is not as good at painting as he is at martial arts.

So, it is this painting that fetched a staggering 37 million Rubles ($1.14 million). This amount is 10 times the officially conveyed wealth of Putin, i.e.3.7 million rubles. This amount will be given to Charity to restore two hospitals and a church in Putin’s hometown.

If you think you missed the opportunity to buy his painting, don’t worry. He has 30 pictures more.

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