Friday, August 17, 2007

Effects of Smoking on Health

Many people and media outlets will tell you exactly what the impact of smoking on body is. Internal organs: mouth, pharynx, larynx, food pipe, lungs, liver, pancreas, kidney, stomach, bladder, and cervix are the areas of body that are most affected by the habit of smoking. The cancers and chronic lung infections that come from smoking not only occurs from first-hand smoking, but also from second-hand smoking as well.
Smoking causes cancer, heart disease, stroke, bronchitis and emphysema, which are terrible to comprehend. Half of the smokers who die from this habit are middle aged. To sum it all up, the longer you smoke and the amount of cigarettes you smoke all pose a greater risk of getting any of these diseases. There is also an increased chance of getting a form of lymph gland leukaemia, more widely known as Hodgkin’s disease.
Not only the body inside is affected area with smoking, but, also outer body to go through changes. Smoking alters the skin where there is an increase in the age of your skin. Individuals who smoke have skin that wrinkles up to 20 years earlier than those who don’t.
I accept that it is impossible for anyone to be a smoker and not know about the consequences of smoking. In other words, you are damaging yourself because of the habit, and you hardly know exactly the extent of the damage.

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