Monday, March 16, 2015

Dental Cleanings Using Ultrasonic Scaling

Dental cleaning is a process of using a variety of tools to clean your gums and outer layer of your teeth. In this process, the dentist spends a lot of time by scraping away your teeth. This is called as scaling and root planing.

In the past dental scaling was performed by a metal instrument, called scalar. In the cleaning process, the dentist removes what your tooth brush might have missed under your gums. However, today, there is another way to do this scaling part in dental cleaning. That is ultrasonic scaling method. By this ultrasonic scaling method, removing of tartar more easily and in less time that too with no metal scraping.

How ultrasonic scalars are helpful for dental cleaning
Ultrasonic scalars plays a vital role in dental cleaning. The cavitron ultrasonic equipment distributes all the ultrasonic vibrations to blast the dental tartar of teeth.
The ultra sonic scalar starts vibrating the sounds waves will generate. It helps to stubborn calculus. Water flow from the tips keeps away from overheating the scalar. You can notice that your teeth feel cleaning, but not the vibrations or sound waves. By this, your dentist can reduce his time for cleaning dental plaque bacteria. Which causes most dental problems.

  • By using ultrasonic scalar equipment for dental cleaning, you can decrease the time to taken for scaling by removing more dental tartar at once.
  • We can get to know about any gum disease at its earlier stages.
  • This method is not painful, so you need not take any local anesthesia. If you feel your teeth are sensitive, you can get many options by your dentist.
  • Due to its powerfulness, it can reduce the appearance of the tooth stains.
How often should I get my teeth cleaned?
The American dental association recommends that every one need to visit dentist at least once a year for the cleaning and regular check ups. If anyone suffers from gum disease, they need to visit their dentist frequently, because to prevent the recurrence of the gum diseases and various infections. For diabetic patients it is more important to have their teeth cleaned because that is link to dental problems. Even for smoking people too, it is very important to clean up their teeth very frequently. Smoking is permanently stain their teeth. According to the dentist suggestion find out exactly how often you should get your teeth cleaned.

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