Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Know the Meaning of Three Popular Symbols in Celtic Jewelry Rings

Generally, jewelry is worn for two reasons - one as a fashion accessory or to express something. Thus, presenting jewelry which has a meaning to someone will never go out of fashion.

In terms of expressing your feelings through jewelry gifts, Celtic jewelry can make a good choice. These are made of different symbols which have their own meaning. There are three popular symbols in Celtic jewelry rings which represents some meaning. Such as:

The Claddagh: This ring is two hands holding a heart and that heart wears a crown on the top side of it. This ring is popular through out the world, because it has story behind it. An Irish man named Robert Joyce was sold to a Moorish gold smith. Robert returned to his home in Ireland, where his lover had waited for him, when the slaves were given freedom in 1689. Robert designed a ring which represents the hands of friendship and love, and presented it to her. They shared love and loyalty. This is the story of two lovers behind it.

The Spiral:
The spiral can be single, double or triple. The Sun is represented by an individual spiral. A double spiral represents day and night. And triple one is linked with a pre-Christian god or goddess, or three phases of the moon - the waxing, the waning and complete moon, or three stages of womanhood - the maiden, the mother and the crone.

The Trinity:
This is an early Christian sign and the father, son and the holy ghost is represented by this. You can find the ring around the center of the trinity, which represents the love.

These are meanings of few symbols on Celtic rings. You can find lot more Celtic jewelry which have a combination of symbols.

Related Links:
Unique jewelry

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