Monday, August 9, 2010

Don't Reveal Private Information in Online shopping

You have to provide certain information to the web merchant when you are placing an order, the information may be name and address. Sometimes, merchants may try to get more information about you, they may ask some questions regarding your annual income and your leisure lifestyle. They may use this information to target you for marketing purposes, it may lead to mails and 'spam' and telephonic solicitations.

If you feel that question is not required to process your order then you don't give the answer for that. Sometimes, some questions will be marked with an asterisk (*) by web site that means those questions need to be answered by customer. You can see, whether the company is asking required information or not then if you do not feel comfortable to share the information then better to find out different company to give the order for product.

Don't disclose your password number:

The shopper is required by most reputable e-commerce websites to log in before viewing or placing an order. Generally, user name and password are provided to shopper.

You should not reveal your password to others. Do not use commonly known information like mother's maiden name, birthday dates, numbers from social security number or from driver's license, or other names. Same password is not used for other sites and other accounts. The best password has at least eight characters and these characters should be some special characters and letters and numbers.

You should remember that the bare facts only should be revealed and private information should not be disclosed when you give the order in online shopping.

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