Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Prescription Drugs Kill people more than illegal drugs

Prescription drugs have outstripped illegal drugs as a cause of death, is concluded by the report which was given by Florida Medical Examiners Commission. According to the analysis of 1,68,900 autopsies, three times as many people were killed by legal drugs as heroin, cocaine and all methamphetamines put together. This is a sign of a burgeoning prescription drug abuse problem, according to state law enforcement officials.

Heroin was responsible for 121 deaths, cocaine for 843, methamphetamines for 25 and total 989 deaths in 2007 and opioid painkillers, Oxyconitin, Vicodin killed 2,328 people and drugs containing benzodiazepine, Xanax and depressants Valium killed 743 people.

Prescription drugs have become an alternative for acquiring the most difficult illegal drugs, across the country. Prescription drug abuse increased among teenagers than illegal drugs. It is believed by some people that the medicines' legally makes them less dangerous than illegal drugs, due to this reason, this prescription medication are being abused. Prescriptions are acquired by adults by visiting multiple doctors by faking injuries and pharmacies for the same health complaints. More drugs are got by some people than they need.

In the United States, number of people are abusing prescription drugs, they have increased 80 percent in six years to seven million, these numbers of people are more than those abusing heroin, ecstasy, inhalants put together.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Human Saliva and Drug Detection

Saliva is the fluid which is produced in the mouth because of the three main salivary glands and the other minor salivary glands. Some of the people call the saliva as the oral fluid. But when strictly speaking oral fluid is nothing but the mixture of saliva and other metabolites. The mixed saliva and saliva are different. Simple saliva is free from other materials and is collected from the specific salivary gland.

There are several advantages of saliva. This saliva helps for the digestion of the food properly. The germs which are present in the mouth can be spit out the form of saliva. It keeps the mouth clean. Apart from the general uses, the saliva also helps us in detecting the diseases and mainly it helps in detecting the illegal drug usage. The different diseases which can be detected using the saliva are the cancer.

Now coming to saliva usage as the for detecting drug addiction, the saliva can detect the presence of the drug in the body just after the usage. Depending on the factors like physical size, degree of protein binding, lipophilicity of the drug, the transfer of the drug in the saliva may vary.

The usage of the drugs may vary the flow of the saliva. The drugs will change the salivation by changing the fluid and the blood flow gets affected in the glands. In general, on each day an adult produces the 1000mL of saliva. The rate of flow of saliva is different in different cases. While chewing, while sleeping, while spitting there will be a change.

By the use of saliva many drugs can be detected. About 8 different types of drugs can be detected using saliva. For example, the drugs which can be found in saliva are ethanol, methamphetamine, barbiturates, heroin etc., After the immediate consumption of the drug, the parent drug or the metabolites of the parent drug will remain in saliva, and this can be detected in the saliva drug test.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

How Marijuana Abuse is Related to Crime

There are many adverse effects which resulted because of the Marijuana usage. Those effects which will result because of the addiction may not be personal sometimes. They even effect the community or the society around us. If the addiction is in such a way that if it is spoiling both the health and causing violent situations then in those cases, the addict should be admitted to the treatment centers.

Crime and marijuana are not related in all the cases. According to a research the police officials opine that there is no proof that all the crimes are done with the marijuana usage only.

People consume marijuana in the combination with other drugs. In those cases, the crimes done will be more but one cannot come up with the declaration with out the tests being done. By using different types of testing methods like saliva testing, urine testing, blood testing, sweat testing and hair testing methods one can detect whether a person is using Marijuana or not.

The crimes which are dependent indirectly on the marijuana are selling the marijuana drug. As the drug is illegal one , one can get arrested. Marijuana has a huge effect on driving. Marijuana consumption results in impaired driving. There will be an increase in the fatalities because the person experiences loss of judgment, lack of concentration, impaired vision etc., But, the person will be aware of that situation and will drive slowly. Even if the person drive slowly, some accidents may occur because of the effects of marijuana.

Sometimes the behavioral changes like depressions, stress will also end up with the violence and crimes. The person who gets addicted wants money to buy the marijuana then in those cases he may steal amount. Unless particular test is done by the doctors, one cannot end up with the conclusion that the marijuana has lead to the crime. If once detected then in those cases the punishments and the penalties may be more.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Don't Reveal Private Information in Online shopping

You have to provide certain information to the web merchant when you are placing an order, the information may be name and address. Sometimes, merchants may try to get more information about you, they may ask some questions regarding your annual income and your leisure lifestyle. They may use this information to target you for marketing purposes, it may lead to mails and 'spam' and telephonic solicitations.

If you feel that question is not required to process your order then you don't give the answer for that. Sometimes, some questions will be marked with an asterisk (*) by web site that means those questions need to be answered by customer. You can see, whether the company is asking required information or not then if you do not feel comfortable to share the information then better to find out different company to give the order for product.

Don't disclose your password number:

The shopper is required by most reputable e-commerce websites to log in before viewing or placing an order. Generally, user name and password are provided to shopper.

You should not reveal your password to others. Do not use commonly known information like mother's maiden name, birthday dates, numbers from social security number or from driver's license, or other names. Same password is not used for other sites and other accounts. The best password has at least eight characters and these characters should be some special characters and letters and numbers.

You should remember that the bare facts only should be revealed and private information should not be disclosed when you give the order in online shopping.