Monday, September 21, 2009

Managing Stress During a Financial Crisis

I have prepared a list of tips on how to handle stress during financial crisis. Some of these tips are helpful for any kind of crisis.

  • Studies have shown that daily exercise improves brain function and mood. You'll soon be in better shape mentally and physically, giving you the strength that you need to get through the tough times.
  • Writing in a journal while dieting and putting thoughts on paper makes feel better than you ever had. You will be surprised that if could come up with solutions just on writing of own problems. Sometimes, you would catch yourself being a drama queen and your problem wasn't really that bad after all. You could find that you complained less to others about situation.
  • When facing a financial crisis, it's tempting to draw long curtains, shut off the phone, and crawl back into bed to escape from it all. But that doesn’t make you to hide forever. In fact, staying on schedule, job hunting, seeing family and friends, and going to appointments will let you know that the earth has not stopped rotating and you can carry on.
  • Even though you feel miserable, try to see the positive side of your situation. Perhaps you can start that home business that you always wanted to try or you can go back to school.
  • There are many support groups out there happy to welcome a new member. If you need help, it's there for you. Pride can get you other problems without realizing it!
  • Laughter is good for us, so laugh often. If you find little reason to laugh, try watching funny TV programs or movies or spend time with the funny people in your life.
  • When we are lacking self-confidence, the boost we need might be as easy as contributing to society by volunteering. Not only do you feel great about yourself, but also it's an opportunity to learn new skills and stay involved in the community. You can even get a reference that highlights your new skills to help you while you are job hunting. Volunteering is worth your time. You will get more than you receive.
It's important to dwell on the positive things happening in your life. Consider starting a gratitude journal. What's going right? Write it down and then look over your journal periodically when you need a boost. This will help to get you through the hardest of times, including times of financial crisis.

Related Links:
Claims management software
New York chiropractor
Accounting software

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