Generally, when a HTML page is opened the Internet browser saves a copy of the page on the hard drive, in order to get back the data soon if the user wishes to read it again. If the computer is infected with virus, then the virus analyses the saved HTML pages and selects any e-mail addresses it finds.
It also extracts addresses from Outlook contacts and from various other documents stored on hard drive. Some new viruses have the ability to bind common names to standard domains like .aol, .msn, .yahoo and also the common extensions used by many antivirus vendors.
In this way e-mail addresses are guessed and the virus gets transmitted. It also attempts to use e-mail address as the sender's return address to harm others. Some viruses created by hackers not only steals email addresses but also passwords.
If the computer is infected with virus and the user visits an infected page, the virus checks the computer for FTP programs which has username and password and then sends them to hackers server.
It also extracts addresses from Outlook contacts and from various other documents stored on hard drive. Some new viruses have the ability to bind common names to standard domains like .aol, .msn, .yahoo and also the common extensions used by many antivirus vendors.
In this way e-mail addresses are guessed and the virus gets transmitted. It also attempts to use e-mail address as the sender's return address to harm others. Some viruses created by hackers not only steals email addresses but also passwords.
If the computer is infected with virus and the user visits an infected page, the virus checks the computer for FTP programs which has username and password and then sends them to hackers server.