Drug abuse is an increasing problem in our affluent societies and carries great social and economic costs through its impacts on crime and health. Official policy in the Western world for the past 50 years has been to treat addicts as criminals and to punish them, but this has manifestly failed to prevent the increase in drug abuse. Nor have campaigns to educate people about the dangers of drugs, tobacco, and alcohol had anything other than relatively minor effects. From the neuroscientist's point of view addiction is increasingly seen as an organic disorder of brain function; if this could be better understood we might be able to offer more effective treatments to addicts. Confusion Highs Lots of energy (no need for sleep). In some cases, lack of appetite or eating too much (depending on the drug). Irritability once the drug starts to leave the system. Glassy eyes. Sleepy lids (eyes half closed). Pupils in the eyes will dilate. Sleeping a lot (once the drugs starts to leave the body). Forgetting appointments or even going to work, depression, not caring about family, friends, girlfriends, wives, kids, etc. Poor Hygiene. Rushing out on strange hours. Dry, cracked lips (depending on the drug). Rotten teeth (long-time Heroine addict). Being too thin or looking bloated. Dark circles under the eyes from the "highs" and not much sleep. Slurred speech. Gray/yellow/green pallor the skin with constant drug use.
The list goes on and on and that's just the surface. The internal part of the body is on a constant up/down swing and the heart races and then ticks too slow, heart palpitations can set in. This can lead to malfunction of the heart muscle. The liver and lungs (filtering organs) and even the skin (the largest organ of the body.) Intestinal problems that can lead to stomach ulcers, gastro intestinal problems, diarrhea, etc. In other words IF ONE DOESN'T STOP - IT WILL KILL THEM!
Related Links:
Saliva drug test
Marijuana drug test